MH Coat 339 is a fine mixture of gypsum and sparkles, well formulated with graded materials for durable plaster finish coat. MH Coat 339 is capable of crack-resistance with superior bonding strength, contains of high initial adhesiveness with non-sad properties. Furthermore, it reduces the maximum of falling off powder phenomenon. It is ideal for concrete substances and brickwork surfaces, which provide the only way to achieve a level 5 drywall finishes.
Ensure the applied substrate is even and remove all dust, oil, grease and etc. Any free surface water must be removed before application.
Add a 40kg of Finish Coat 339 to approximately 15-16 litres of water in a suitable mixing vessel. Use an mechanical hand help mixer to mix the mixture for approximately 3 to 5 minutes until the desired consistency is achieves. Ensure thorough mixing of the Finish Coat 339, which must be cohesive and free from lump prior to use.
It should be applied onto the substrates using steel trowel. Finish Coat 339 can be applied up to the thickness of 3mm. It can be finished with soft hair brush or trowelled smooth. For thicker applications with several layers, the liner underneath must be 'touch-dry' before applying the subsequent layer. It is important to protect the product during placement and whilst curing from direct sunlight and winds. This is to prevent rapid dehydration.